divendres, de juny 17, 2011

Mathematics & Sex - Clio Cresswell

You might think that I'm joking. What relationship there might be between such concepts? Two things that very few people would ever consider together. 
Well, Clio Cresswell, an australian matematician did ask herself such question. And the answers she found, she published them in this gentle book.

For those who hate matemathics, but are really interested in sex, should have no fear to consider reading this book. The mathematics appearing in the book are practically none, as the language used is everyday English, something everyone can understand. Yes there are some formulas in the book, but they are included only as a curiosity. No analysis is done, and Clio only uses them as a proof that theere is a relationships between some mathematical concepts and formulas and everyday sex life.

For mathematicians like me, however, the book is very disappointing. I expected that as a mathematician she would indulge herself in, at least, some high level analysis of the implications (physical, conceptual...) of the formulas mentioned in the book. A dedicated mathematician would expect a good balance between layman information and some attempt to explain with simple words some of the most relevant concepts included.

Well, wrapping up. This is a very interesting book to laymen that wish to be seduced by the dark side of the mathematics. Sex is a good excuse for that without being regarded as a weirdo. Anyway if you are wishing some deep diving in the mathematical world of sex, (or in the sexual world of maths), this is definitely not your work.

This book can be found at Amazon.

Popular Science - Allen & Unwin

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