dissabte, d’octubre 07, 2006

Black Coffee, Agatha Christie & Charles Osborne

No. Although the title of this post may suggest something completely different, Agatha Christie has never written a crime novel in collaboration with somebody else.

In fact, Black Coffee is the first play written by Agatha, who was really insatisfied with the adaptation of some of his previous novels to the stage. She decided to write a story on purpose for the screen and she did so.

In 1998, HarperCollins published a novelisation of Black Coffee made perfectly by Charles Osborne, an authority on opera, and a great connaisseur of Christie's work.

I must admit that at some points of the book, I felt as I was reading a play... I almost imagined it on a stage... With the different scenes... The acts...

And as for the novel, it is a typical Poirot history, with his great colleage Hastings and a robbery with a murder on a closed room with 5 or 6 suspects. But there are in the plot many overwhelming turns that would leave any crime-story lover really satisfied.

Black Coffee
Agatha Christie novelised by Charles Osborne

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