dimecres, de febrer 28, 2007

Heroes Of Might And Magic III (HOMM3)

I've never been a video-game freak. I've had just a few computer games. In fact, exceptuating some demos, I've had just two games, being the Sim City for Mac one of them.

It wasn't until I was 20 years old that I got my first PlayStation 2. Before that, a GameBoy (not the color version) was my only videogame console.

But also when I was 21 I discovered the best game in my life. You can guess I'm talking about Heroes Of Might And Magic III. My dear good friend Suprem is to blame for this discovering. It was at the University Residence I was living when I was studying my degrees. One day I found Suprem playing with someone I can't remember with a game that instantly atracted my attention.

It was a kind of strategy game, by turns. There were a lot of different monsters, based upon the ancient mithologys (not accurately, but who matters.... It's just a game). As the game's name reflects, the true protagonists of the game were the heroes.

You would explore the maps with the heroes, increasing their "experience" and hence making them stronger. A the same time, you own some cities and you must achieve some objective, like a mission. I don't want to describe too much the game, I prefer to stop in the moments, the people and the feelings.

Well, then at the University, me and Suprem would expend hours and hours playing HOMM3. And I remember those days with a great nostalgia. And just a few months ago it happened. My neighbour and friend SeisCuerdas (who curiously also loves Terry Pratchett, a writer Suprem showed me)... Well, we were at his home, talking and listening to music when I saw a video-game magazine. I took a look to it when I saw an ad announcing the release of all the issues of HOMM (from 1 to 4) at a cheap price. I showed him the ad while I was saying:

- See! This is the best game ever

If only I could explain with words his face, illuminated with illusion and emotion while saying:

- Yeeeeeeessssssss!!!!!!!!

Next? He went and purchased HOMM3. And we began to play. HOMM3 has stretched the ties between me and my neighbour, and besides, makes me think of Suprem, a good friend whom I miss quite a lot.

Now I've purchased HOMM, HOMM3 and HOMM4. Sometimes I play HOMM and sometimes I play HOMM3. I haven't played HOMM4 yet... Some day... And well, I'm planning to get HOMM2 some day. We will see...

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