diumenge, de maig 20, 2007


Sans doute, Marvin c'est un des charactères plus originalles des Looney Tunes. Il est un des pires ennemies de Bugs Bunny et de Daffy Duck dans plusieurs de ses aventures. Il y avait une epoque, quand j'étais plus jeune, oû j'amais beaucoup cette charactère. Aujourd'hui je n'ai pas l'habitude de voir ces choses... Mais j'ai un tendre memoire de tout cela.

As an hommage, I want to include those pictures in this weird blog site... They have a history. Seven or nine years ago I used to have a web site... My site included many sections... I was proud of it. Specially regarding the fact that it was 1996 - 1998 and then, most people never had heard about the Internet. In fact I'm connected to the Inet since 1994, and that's a kind of record. But I didn't have a site since 1996. After 1998 I "abandonned" my site until it disappearde due to innactivity and to de disappearance of the site provider company which was absorbed by another company. A few days ago my father, with whom I shared my site, told my that there was a copy of our site in a web dedicated to create a historical archive. I entered that site and I recovered those pieces of my web I was interested in conservate. Among the sections there was one of them which was dedicated to different cartoons such as super heros, Looney Tunes, Calvin & Hobbes, etc... And now, from time to time, I'm publishing in this blog this historical pieces of my relationship with the cyberworld.

Sé perfectamente que esto oscila entre el mundo freak, la nostalgia bananera y un retroceso a la infancia provocado por un trauma asociado a la vida adulta que provoca que el individuo regrese a la inmadurez al sentirse más comodo y protegido, pues se rehuye así el dolor de la realidad, de la soledad, del desamor...

I sé perfectament que tot plegat no deixa de ser una xorrada que m'entreten. Esper que tots els que podeu llegir això, que no sou molts, i sobretot els que ho voleu llegir, hagueu tingut un bon cap de setmana. I que tingueu una molt bona setmana. :D

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