dimecres, d’abril 12, 2006

The Big Four, Poirot & Agatha Christie

The Big Four, the Christie's work I've just read, features Poirot in a quite particular adventure... Yes, I mean adventure. This novel is all but the tipical Poirot number in which a murder is commited, Poirot appears or gets involved somehow in the enquiry and uses - as he would say - his grey cells in order to find out all the clues and psicological aspects which surround the crime, put them toghether and finally discover who the murderer was... I shouldn't forget Poirot's favourite final scene in which he faces every suspect, unveals their most hidden secrets one by one until he unmasks the murderer. The Big Four hasn't any of this characteristic, almost stereotyped situations.
Well, The Big Four has the little grey cells of Poirot working in order to stop the criminals. But the criminals are a international crime association leadered by the four most dangerous and powerful minds, also known as The Big Four.
Christie finds in this book the perfect way of putting toghether a series of mysterious cases which involve Poirot, his recovered friend the Captain Hastings and the evil Big Four...
Really, I can assure you that The Big Four is closer to a 007 film than to a typical Poirot adventure. As I love James Bond, I liked this story very much... I cannot say more.
Well, in the picture, Poirot impersonated by the brilliant actor Peter Ustinov.
If you wish for a more traditional Poirot case, try with The Mystery Of The Blue Train.

2 comentaris:

  1. Anònim00:37

    M'ho he passat molt bé trastejant pel teu bloc.
    Per cert, no crec haver vist qué estudies. Ho vols deixar al marge?


  2. Me n'alegro molt... De vegades em pregunto si algú s'ho deu llegir i en cas afirmatiu si a algú li agrada. El teu comentari m'anima. La veritat, tot sigui dit, és que m'ho passo molt bé... Sobre què estudio ho deixo al marge perquè no vull semblar cregut... Més d'un cop la gent m'ha mirat amb mala cara quan parlo de les meves carreres... Sí. Sóc un telecomat, un bitxo raro d'aquests que un dia va decidir fer dues carreres alhora, Matemàtiques i Telecomunicacions. El Juliol passat vaig acabar mates i ara estic a punt d'acabar el PFC (projecte final de carrera) de Telecomunicacions... Com es pot veure el blog conté TOT el meu jo que no està inclós a la vida acadèmica... :-)
