dimecres, de febrer 11, 2009


Was it true what she had so often heard women say that men only wanted women as bedfellows and housekeepers?...
Was that the whole tragedy of marriage - that women wanted to be companions, and that men were bored by it?

Unfinished Portrait (1934)
Mary Westmacott (aka Agatha Christie)
The Mary Westmacott Collection - Volume I
Harper Collins

Additional comment by Joan Genís: maybe the problem is in women (nowadays, that the problem is quite similar). Sometimes I feel as if what women really look for is someone wild to be domesticated. They usually have no interest in people like me, who offer and look for a companionship. Having read this in July 08, when I was crazy about a girl, offering her a companionship, which didn't really convince her although there was certainly a strong feeling between us... Conclusion, relationships between men and women haven't changed so much in the last 75 years, they still have a lot of common problems, that probably will never find a solution.

2 comentaris:

  1. Anònim13:01

    Every girl is diferent, my conclusion regarding my experience with girls is that every girl looks up a man for any kind of interest...
    1) To be domesticated
    2) To feel secure
    3) To run out the routine
    4) To feel wild
    5) To feel calm

    If any man tries to be with a girl that doesn't complies her interests, please, forget it...

  2. Wise words, my friend, wise words.
    The most clever solution is the one that Bob Marley's song seemed to suggest (in fact it meant smth else):
