dimecres, de setembre 16, 2015

Winchester 2:40 (same time as in the Canary Islands)

It is a long time since I last went club partying. 

And for some curious events I went.

First thought: I'm so lucky. I have a life-partner which is the best thing that could ever happen to me. Fortune is not in the bills, but in the hearts of those close to you.

It was not the best party in the world. I like mediterranian style better. Even Madrid is a better place to party than Winchester. No wonder why all of them come here. But when I was trying to dance to the 2nd worst DJ ever (after ALEXEI) I could only think that if Xeripau, ALEXEI himself and Xantito were there we would have rocked the party. We would have conquered the dance hall and delivered an incredible show.

I do love my friends, but for me it is difficult to let them know.
I do love new experiences, although I may fear them because I love structure but I'm utterly seduced by chaos.

So a chaotic structure it is to me like a pornographic event.

Finally, I saw some comment by Almudena on Facebook, as a comment of my comment to Leticia's last post. Only Raquel was missing there. I really miss these three motivated and professional workers, which taught me so much about better communicating with teams. I won't never be able to thank them enough for all the good times and learning I got from them.

I miss them. 

I am living uncertainty. I am struggling with new experiences.
But I have some of the best assets a person like me can have. Family. Friends. Health.

I love to live and I live to love every minute of my life.

dimecres, de setembre 02, 2015

La tetera

Si yo sugiriera que entre la Tierra y Marte hay una tetera de porcelana que gira alrededor del Sol en una órbita elíptica, nadie podría refutar mi aseveración, siempre que me cuidara de añadir que la tetera es demasiado pequeña como para ser vista aun por los telescopios más potentes. Pero si yo dijera que, puesto que mi aseveración no puede ser refutada, dudar de ella es de una presuntuosidad intolerable por parte de la razón humana, se pensaría con toda razón que estoy diciendo tonterías. Sin embargo, si la existencia de tal tetera se afirmara en libros antiguos, si se enseñara cada domingo como verdad sagrada, si se instalara en la mente de los niños en la escuela, la vacilación para creer en su existencia sería un signo de excentricidad, y quien dudara merecería la atención de un psiquiatra en un tiempo iluminado, o la del inquisidor en tiempos anteriores.
Bertrand Russell

dimarts, de setembre 01, 2015

Poesía: La més alta, Josep Carner


Del cel em peixen les rosades blanes,
jo tinc l’amor del ventijol més franc
i veig l’alba primer que mes germanes:
só la fulla més alta d’un pollanc.

Sola dansant en mes diades vanes,
de mes germanes he traït la sang:
em són llurs vagaries tan llunyanes
com l’ull negre del pou i el núvol blanc.

Tu, vell Destí, que tan soberga em feres:
que a les ratxades tardorals primeres
caigui del cim de mon etern abril,

vegi el fullam que canta i s’esgarria
i cada giravolt de ma agonia
sigui el salut a una germana humil.

Josep Carner