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Kagar está en Alemania, cerca de Hannover ... al lado del lago KAGARSEE.
Sometimes mathematics is referred to as a language. And ideed it is. Patterns lend themselves to language-like representation. That's the gobbledygook on the blackboard. But language is not merely a collection of words, or symbols or gestures. Language is a means of communication. It is a vessel for conveying concepts. You can choose from a number of vessels. Poems captures things that can't quite be expressed in standard writing, and vice versa. Sometimes music or a song works better, sometimes a dance, a painting or a sculpture. Sometimes a performance artist will feel that hanging themselves on fishhooks from a beam is the only way they can express something deeply felt. This only goes to show how innate and important communications is to us.
"No existen compañías exitosas en sociedades fracasadas". | |
Declaraciones de Stephan Schmidheiny, líder y creador de la Fundación AVINA |
L'habilitat per executar un pla de negoci (Business Plan) de forma continuada i ética i l'habilitat d'adaptarse a les condicions cambiants proveeis d'éxit a a llarg termini.
La presentació d'una história convincent sobre una empresa i les negociacions habilidoses resultants per tancar un tracte amb inversors són critiques per a totes les noves empreses.
Au Nord au Sud
Zénith Nadir
Et les grands cris de l'Est
L'Océan se gonfle à l'Ouest
La Tour à la Roue
Hi ha molts tipus de fonts de capital d'inversió per a una emrpesa nova i en creixement que han de ser comparades i gestionades amb cura.